Walking and Talking For Your Mental Health
This post is in collaboration with KEEN x Mental Health Mates
Connection is one of the most basic human needs, in fact a lack of human connection can be more harmful to your health than obesity, smoking and high blood pressure (House et al, 1988). Social isolation isn’t just bad for our physical health, it can also be extremely damaging to our mental health.
Connection is one of the ways that we cope with stress. You know the phrase ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’? The act of speaking to someone about what’s bothering us is a great example of the power of connection, like wise the act of touch can have a very real impact on how we feel, just think about how you feel after a hug! We are social creatures who operate best in groups, we crave and rely on interaction with other people!
However, when we’re struggling it can be really easy to feel like you’re alone. Mental health challenges can be a really lonely place, and that’s why Mental Health Mates (MHM) is so wonderful and why I am so excited that KEEN - one of my favourite outdoor brands - has committed to supporting MHM as part of the KEEN.Effect programme.
The KEEN WK400 x MHM series is all about encouraging movement, making connections and building confidence in those who might have experienced stigma and barriers to getting outside due to mental health challenges. People like me.
Fighting Stigma and Loneliness
There have been times in my life where I have felt really lonely because of my mental health challenges. The stigma can be huge. While more people are talking about mental health challenges it can still be extremely alienating to struggle, particularly if your challenges don’t conform to what’s considered ‘acceptable’ - something I’ve written about in the past (read my post here). It’s hard enough to deal with stigma on a normal day, but when you’re struggling its 100 x harder and an already lonely existence becomes even lonelier.
Founded by journalist, mental health campaigner and marathon runner Bryony Gordon in 2016, MHM is a network of peer support groups who meet regularly to walk, connect and share in a safe space. These walks are an important opportunity to find the connection we all need to thrive, prevent further mental health decline and improve overall mental wellbeing. It’s such a simple concept, but can be totally life changing if you’re in a dark place.
The Mental Health Benefits of Walking
Something I’ve learnt about myself over the last couple of years is is that I’m at my best when I spend time outside in nature moving my body. If I’m feeling overwhelmed or anxious then getting outside and walking will almost always help me feel more centred and a lot calmer.
Walking has been shown to boost our emotional wellbeing and ease chronic mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. According to the American Psychological Association:
there is an 18% lower risk of depression for adults who walk briskly for 75 minutes a week (half of the recommended amount of physical activity per week) compared to adults who do no physical exercise.
For adults who do the recommended amount of physical activity each week - around 2.5 hours of brisk walking - there is a 25% lower risk of depression.
1 in 9 cases of depression could be prevented with 150 minutes of physical activity per week.
Walking increases blood circulation to the brain, which in turn lifts the mood and decreases the stress response (you can read more about stress here) and walking with others is known to build on these benefits through positive social interactions.
“We know, from personal experience, that mental illness magnifies through isolation. So whether it is talking to someone, sharing with them or simply walking beside them, we believe that getting connected is the first steps to recovery.”
KEEN WK400 x MHM Walk Series
To coincide with the launch of KEEN’s new all-terrain walking shoe (which I can confirm after many many dog walks are awesome! Check out a great review from sportsshoes.com here), the WK400, the KEEN WK400 x MHM Walk Series kicked off in London a couple of weeks ago, and I was lucky enough to be part of it. Walking with like minded people, in a safe and supportive space, was absolutely amazing. It was so wonderful to be able to take the time to connect with people in a way that felt natural and authentic while we enjoyed spending time in nature and moving our bodies. I definitely came away from that walk feeling more content and grounded, which was amazing.
If you fancy trying a MHM walk for yourself then there are 11 walks in the KEEN WK400 x MHM Walk Series taking place all over the UK:
Location Date
Bedford 8th April
Beverley 23rd April
Bristol 23rd April
Coventry 30th April
Dundee 15th April
Highams Park, London E4 23rd April
Hornsea, Yorks 27th April
Leeds 8th April
Newtownwards (Ireland) 13th April
Pudsey, West Yorks 8th April
Thurrock, Essex 17th April
All walks are free to join and open to anyone aged 18 plus. Participants are requested to register in advance by emailing jess@mentalhealthmates.co.uk
For more information on Mental Health Mates visit https://www.mentalhealthmates.co.uk.
The KEEN WK400 x MHM Walk Series is being hosted with support of leading online retailer. sportsshoes.com. For more information or to purchase the WK400 in the UK visit sportsshoes.com.