Lean In To Opportunities
image: Elaine Potter
Life has a habit of chucking you opportunities at unexpected moments.
Come see me next week in the office? I need your brains
Don’t tell me you wouldn’t be curious if this slipped into your DMs.
It’s this DM that changed the direction of my work life in the space of two months. No, that’s bullshit, it’s me that changed the direction of my work life in the space of two months, the DM just opened the door.
The DM was from Chevy Rough, my friend and CEO of ChasingProjects. Chevy had been working on the concept of ChasingProjects for a few years but had recently decided to dismantle and rebuild the organisation to really define it’s purpose. He called me because he needed a hand with some insight, and as a professional nerd I had the skills he needed. The more we talked about his vision, the more excited I became. I knew this could be something big, and I knew I had the skills to help the organisation get there, so I put myself out there and said I wanted to get more involved. I shared what I saw and said what I wanted - to be a leader. Chevy agreed, and now we are building a business. Three months ago I wouldn’t have seen this coming.
Three months ago I was working in a fitness studio, dragging myself through my personal trainer qualifications and chronically stressed because I felt like I should be paying way more attention to my PhD. I was tired and uninspired. I had a whole profile as a runner, but I didn’t want to run. I attempted to force our content on Instagram and my old blog, but it just wasn’t working. I didn’t feel authentic and something deep in me felt like maybe life had moved on. I was in a weird in between place where I was holding on to the past and foggy about the future. But life was comfortable enough and there was nothing motivating me to change. I was coasting.
Getting involved with ChasingProjects was a risk. I quit a job and my income has taken a hit. What we’re building might not work. My ego is constantly challenged. I’m shedding a public identity I’ve worked hard to create over the years and building a new brand. I’m letting go, which is scary because it is always more comfortable to stay where you are, but you don’t learn anything by staying where you are.
Leaning into the opportunity to be part of ChasingProjects has helped me learn what I need to thrive, and this has changed me for the better. I need to be creative, independent and ultimately to take risks. Putting myself in uncomfortable situations drives me and I’m more inspired than I’ve ever been.
I had two choices when I received that DM. I could lean into the opportunity in front of me and take a risk, or I could stay where I was and stay comfortable. Which would you choose?