CONNECT with Satisfyer
This post is in collaboration withSatisfyer.
I’ve written before about how great orgasms are for your wellbeing (you can find the post here), especially when life feels a bit unpredictable and scary, and now I want to talk about how amazing they are for creating connections (both with yourself and with a partner!).
Sexual Wellness
Better sexual wellness has so many benefits. From decreasing stress and anxiety, to boosting confidence and self-esteem, and strengthening intimacy with yourself or your partner, orgasms really are amazing for you! It’s all because a healthy sex life (whether solo or with a partner) can trigger all sorts of “feel good” chemicals which help support your physical and mental wellbeing. In short, the more orgasms you have the better you’ll feel, and couldn’t we all do with a little more feel good in our lives?
Getting sexy doesn’t just help your overall wellness, but it can also help you meet one of your most basic human needs - connection.
A lack of human connection can be more harmful to your health than obesity, smoking and high blood pressure (House et al, 1988). It’s not just bad for our physical health, a lack of connection can also be extremely damaging to our mental health because it’s one of the ways we cope with stress. You know the phrase ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’? The act of speaking to someone about what’s bothering us is a great example of the power of connection, like wise the act of touch can have a very real impact on how we feel, just think about how you feel after a hug (let alone after getting off!).
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
Social Distancing and Connection
At the moment we’re in a period of unprecedented uncertainty and this is - totally understandably - a huge source of stress for so many people. However, the recent crisis also means the world is in lockdown, we’re being encouraged to ‘social distance’ and ‘self-isolate’, we can’t meet in the places we normally would and people are spending more and more time alone. It’s a recipe for mental health disaster. According to doctor and researcher Dhruv Khullar from Weill Cornell Medicine (cited in Gabbatt, 2020) isolation can increase anxiety or depression ‘within days’ because it creates ‘huge void in the way we go about being humans…something that has been kind of hard-wired into who we are as beings’. That’s a scary prospect, but with a social duty to reduce in-person social contact to reduce transmission (see the UK Government guidance here).
It’s pretty obvious that sex (whether alone or with a partner) creates a sense of connection, but there are times that creating intimacy is easier said than done. Stress can have a huge impact on our sex drives, partners aren’t always able to be together and being stuck at home all day with your partner isn’t necessarily going to put you in the mood for romance, so it’s only natural you might need a little extra help. This is exactly why sexual wellness tech exists, and why I’m excited about Satisfyer's new CONNECT app.
CONNECT is an interactive platform specifically designed to help people connect, both with each other and with their own bodies, opening the realms of intimacy, self-love and sexuality - and all the benefits that come with them - to everyone.
At its simplest CONNECT allows you to pair a compatible product (like the Curvy 1+) to the app and control it through the app, or allow someone else to control it, wherever they are in the world. It’s like phone sex on steroids (with really good encryption).
It’s obvious that CONNECT was born for social isolation or long distance relationships, but there’s more to it than that. This is an app that really lets you create a bespoke experience so that you can get off in your own way. There is no one size fits all when it comes to sexual wellness and CONNECT creates an environment where you can explore that in a safe space, and there are loads of ways you can do that!
PROGRAM PLAY: super simple, lets you play pre-installed programs.
LIVE CONTROL: allows you to get personal and design individual patterns and rhythms according to your own preferences via your phone. You can also control time, intensity, separate motors and save your masterpieces for the next time you fancy a little boost.
AMBIENT SOUND: helps you create a multi-sensory experience using sound and spoken word transmitted through vibrations.
MUSIC VIBES: so this is very cool - you can convert your favourite music into paralleled vibration patterns. Music really will never be the same again!
REMOTE PARTNER: whether your partner is next to you or in another country this feature enables you to connect app accounts and get off across the virtual divide in a way that’s safe, secure and has consent at its core. COVID secure and very 2020.
CONNECT works with a whole host of Satisfyer products including the Curvy 1+ which is a great tool to use if you’re after a blended orgasm (check out this post for how to get there) - the peak of sexual wellness.
More than ever we need connection, and now’s the perfect opportunity to explore your body and feel their benefit!
This post was in collaboration with Satisfyer. who gifted my products. All opinions are my own.
This post was in collaboration with Satisfyer who gifted me products. All opinions are my own.